5 Tips for Students to Act Smart and Effective

Have you ever thought why Hermione Granger could manage to be in the good books of the faculty of all the houses of Hogwarts? It’s not because she memorized hundreds of spells; it’s her act of smart and effectively using the spells during a crisis.

She never overpowered her act of magic for tricks; instead, she proved time and time again, especially in Deathly Hallows Part I where with her strategizing, quick thinking, and preparedness skills, Harry and Ron could stay alive on their hunt for horcruxes.

Now, you may wonder why suddenly the character ‘Hermione Granger’ is becoming the prime concern here? Well, this character is a great motivation for all those students who cannot believe in themselves, and rely on assignment help resources for every challenging task.

As a student, you will come across a lot of challenges; hence, only bookish knowledge won’t help you overcome. Neither can the institute faculties can come to your rescue. You have to become well-versed with all types of approaches that can make you smart and effective.

So, apply these strategies and stay sure to stand out from the crowd every time –

  • Do Study Works in Mini Chunks (Apply Pomodoro Technique)

In this method, two hours is the ideal amount of time to study in a row. So you should break up or segment your study time. Organize your coursework into two hours. Study for the first 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break.

Take a lengthy rest for 15 to 30 minutes after working for 4 Pomodoros and then resume the process. Your brain can become worn out if you study nonstop for a long time.

The Zeigarnik effect, which asserts that the human brain tends to recall incomplete and unfinished tasks significantly better than it does the complete tasks, is at work here.

Furthermore, a 5-minute rest followed by the start of another Pomodoro will help you understand the idea much better.

  • Apply Spaced Repetition Method

When you review a subject repeatedly, your brain is able to understand the concept remarkably. Hence, study one topic and then revise the concept rather than spending the entire day discussing it.

Return to the prior topic you learnt later or the following day, review the concept briefly, and then go on to the new concept.

In fact, spaced repetition is a technique used in this process when you repeat the same idea over the course of several days and occasions.

So, use this approach instead of devoting a lot of time to one subject, and you’ll find that your brain absorbs the idea far more readily.

  • Create Notes/ Write Journal

Making notes is one of the usual study habits that students have, and we concur that it is an efficient way to understand concepts.

Whatever you learn in class or learn when studying, make notes for the concept.

Making notes demonstrates your active participation in class and attention to the teacher.

Your grasp of the idea becomes much clearer when you interact with it in the classroom and ask questions about it.

  • Make Correct Notes, With A Set of Colorful Pens

Make diagrams, flowcharts, flashcards, and mnemonics as needed to provide your memory with visual aids for learning.You might also try making phone recordings of your notes so you can listen to them later or before bed.

  • Apply your Learning into Teaching (Feynman Technique)

This method, which was developed by American physicist Richard Feynman, is the finest approach to learn anything and can be used for anything from comprehending a simple concept to even understanding complex quantum physics.

In this method, you are required to pick an idea and then teach it to or explain it to a child who is around 5 years old, which pushes you to keep the notion very basic. You can try this trick on your siblings as well.

If you are having trouble coming up with basic words to describe something, go back to your literature and try again. You must recognize where your understanding is lacking and then go through the procedure again until you fully grasp the idea.

  • Apply the SQ3R Technique

Before you get confused, SQ3R stands for Survey, Questions, Read, Recite, Review

This method will enable you to make the most of your course material. You must take the following five actions:

  • Examine the chapters in the book or course materials. Peruse every page in a chapter.
  • Directly access the questions sections. Before you begin studying any chapter concept, take a moment to read through all the questions.
  • Reading or studying the chapter right away (20% Read, 80% Recite) is advised.
  • Close the book, ponder a question, and then recite. (Keep in mind the 20% Read, 80% Recite advice.)
  • Examine or change the chapter (Follow Spaced Repetition tips)
  • Try to Gather Variety of Information

Experts suggest that you approach the same lesson in a variety of methods. Wondering why? Well, different media stimulate various areas of the brain, according to research.

The likelihood that you will comprehend and remember the information improves the more we use diverse media and participate in whole brain thinking.

Therefore, if you are studying or learning a concept, you can start by reading and updating your notes, then read your textbook the next day, then watch a YouTube video or consult another online resource the third day, and then create a flowchart, flashcards, or mnemonics the fourth day.

Basically, try various approaches for a single topic and also do not stick to one genre of information.

Final Words,

As a student, you have to always keep working on doing yourself better. But, you can’t be only an average student–instead the approach of being smart and effective will lead you to better exposure.

So, apply these five approaches and build yourself to be a smarter student. Shine on!

Author Bio – Megan Grey is a PhD expert in Education, and also offers lectures in some of the top universities in New York. She is also associated with the academic brand Assignmenthelp websites, where she provides  online exam help. In her leisure time, Megan loves to do painting.

Master James
Master James
Master James, a versatile wordsmith, possesses an unparalleled ability to delve into the depths of the General Niche, exploring a myriad of topics with finesse. His literary prowess extends across the vast tapestry of the USA, crafting engaging narratives that captivate readers from coast to coast. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for knowledge, Master James weaves together insightful perspectives on a broad spectrum of subjects, creating a literary landscape that mirrors the rich diversity of the American experience.

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