If you’re just starting out as a beginner, snowboarding can seem overwhelming. But just like any sport, it’s all about practice and patience.
That’s why taking a few lessons is a great way to get started! Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’re ready to start hitting the slopes. Here are the top snowboard techniques you’ll learn in your first few lessons:
1. Turning
Turning is one of the most challenging things to learn when snowboarding, and it can be frustrating if you don’t get the technique right. But if you know the fundamentals, it can make your time on the slopes much more enjoyable.
To turn, you’ll need to shift your weight and use your edges to move your snowboard in the direction you want it to go. Using these techniques will help you master the basics of turning and eventually make sliding 360s easy on the snow.
Start by shifting your body weight forward so that the snowboard points downhill, and then switch from heelside to toeside to twist the front of the board into the direction you want it to go. As you do, press your front foot to the ground and push it through with your back foot.
Practice until you acclimate yourself to how hard to press on your feet and how long to extend your legs. Then, try making turns on a hill that is not steep to see how your body responds to this motion.
Carving is another popular technique to learn once you’ve mastered basic turns. This technique makes your edge bite into the snow and enables you to cut across without skidding. It’s a great way to get more speed and control on groomers and is also handy when spinning off jumps.
Both skiing and carving can be difficult to master at first, but they are both essential skills for advanced snowboarders. Practicing both will allow you to learn how to adjust your edge depending on the conditions on the mountain and make your time on the slopes more fun.
2. Traversing
Traversing is a technique that allows you to move along the slope of a snowboard in arcs instead of straight lines. This can be helpful for getting around objects or people on the slope.
In order to traverse on a snowboard, you have to learn how to control the edges on your board. You have to use your front foot to edge the fall line and steer slightly against the slope, while allowing your back foot to push you across the slope.
This will help you to get the most out of your snowboard, as well as improve your balance. It’s also a great way to build strength, especially for your gluteus maximus and thigh muscles.
One of the best ways to practice traversing is to pick something on the hill that you want to point at and then turn your head and upper body toward it while using your front foot to push you towards it. This will get your brain to associate the direction you want to go now with your snowboard and make it easier to traverse.
Once you’re able to do this on a regular basis, you can try to link turns. This means you can traverse and then change your edge on your snowboard in order to make a full turn. This is a very advanced Snowboarding technique and you should only do it when you’re comfortable with traversing.
Aside from being a fun skill to learn, it’s also important for your safety. If you’re skiing an empty slope, traversing is a safe way to travel and minimize your speed, which can help you avoid crashing into other skiers. However, when you’re on a busy slope, it may be better to take a slightly more vertical angle to reduce your risk of sideswiping another skier.
3. Spraying Snow
Spraying snow is a popular way to create a winter wonderland. This is the ideal way to add a festive feel to your home or office without wasting time and energy on bringing in real snow from a nearby destination. The best part is that many of these products come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making it easy to find the one that fits your particular project.
The top snowboarding techniques you’ll learn in these lessons will help make you a better snowboarder and have you hitting the slopes for many years to come. Remember to try new things as often as possible and have fun!
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4. S Turns
S turns are a great way to control speed when snowboarding. They’re easier to perform than traditional turns and allow you to snag snow or avoid obstacles in your path.
This technique involves shifting your weight from one side of the board to the other and bending your knees. It’s important to do this properly because it can help you avoid injuries or getting your feet stuck in the ground.
Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees bent. Next, push your front heel forward and straighten your back leg a little to increase the edge angle on your board. You may need to practice this on flat terrain before you try it on steeper hills.
Once you’ve gotten the hang of this, try to apply pressure to your heel edge so that it digs into the snow and slows down your speed. You can also try applying pressure to your toe edge so that it lifts up and controls your speed.
You’ll need to spray your entire body, not just your feet, to do this correctly. Stand with your feet about chest width apart and your knees slightly bent. Then, push your feet out and away from your body to start spraying the snow. This can be a little unnatural, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.
Once you’ve mastered S turns, you can try a variety of different types of terrain to improve your skills. It’s also a good idea to go to different mountains to learn how to adapt to the changing conditions.
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