Conroe ISD offers programs tailored to meeting the needs of all students. The Bilingual Program helps English Language Learners develop proficiency in both Spanish and English, while GT/Advanced Academic programs place high achievers into challenging classes.
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Comprehensive Academic Program
Conroe ISD SSO offers an exceptional academic program, outstanding athletic opportunities, cutting-edge Career and Technical Education curriculum and diverse fine arts offerings. Conroe has consistently achieved top ratings from Texas Education Agency; received 5-Star ratings by TxSmartSchools six of seven years; and boasts one of the lowest tax rates in Houston’s metropolitan area.
The District places great value in professional development and has created Professional Learning Communities for teachers to collaborate on in recurring cycles of data gathering and evaluation in order to identify needs and improve instruction. Furthermore, several teachers have taken advantage of Sam Houston State University Master and Doctorate cohort programs as a professional development opportunity.
The District also provides grant-funded Continuing Education scholarships to employees seeking advanced degrees, please see Compensation section for further details.
The District’s comprehensive athletic program fosters student participation and success by instilling values such as teamwork, sportsmanship and academic success in its students. Students participating on competitive teams learn valuable life lessons such as leadership, responsibility, work ethic and perseverance while developing lasting friendships and stronger ties to their campuses.
Hays CISD is committed to ensuring all participating athletes gain entry into school-sponsored athletic events using their student ID cards, while elementary school events attended with parents or guardians have free admission using paid adult tickets or passes. Click here to visit Rank One website and complete all on-line student forms (all forms require the 6 digit student ID number).
Click here for Hays CISD Athletic Department Admission Rules and Guidelines.
Fine Arts
Conroe Independent School District is proud of the comprehensive academic program, athletic opportunities, cutting edge Career and Technical Education curriculum and various fine arts offerings provided to its students. They consistently achieve high scores on state assessments and graduate at rates surpassing national averages.
CISD Dance Program fosters student accountability and ownership over their dance education through quality instruction and performance excellence. Students will develop higher-level critical thinking skills as well as artistic expression based on knowledge and technical ability.
CISD teachers have developed a variety of programs to foster creativity within their schools, including mariachi program which began as an after-school club but now boasts its own performance schedule. It is one way they foster innovation.
Career and Technical Education
Conroe ISD places an emphasis on career and technical education for its students, offering opportunities to earn college and high school credits, industry certifications, as well as robotic competitions to build workforce experience.
At two high schools within its district, advanced academics are provided through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme – recognized by top universities worldwide as an elite preparatory curriculum – for which most campuses achieved TEA STAAR scaled scores of 90 or above; eleven campuses received scores between 80-89; while seven locations achieved scores between 60-69.
Conroe ISD schools also provide extracurricular activities like Destination Imagination, Gifted and Talented Program, Music, Junior Achievement and YMCA after-school programs. You can get more academic performance data, enrollment details and teacher staffing data by clicking on individual campuses names.